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[26] Open 開

Learning Japanese Kanji

All of our Japanese Kanji videos can be seen on our YouTube channel Kanji Memories and its Learning Japanese Kanji playlist. Alternatively, there is a link below to the YouTube video for this particular Japanese Kanji. There is also an embedded copy of the video towards the bottom of the page, but that may not be available on your device for technical reasons. See also the text translations and the Kanji memories memory card.

This is the YouTube link to the Japanese Kanji for Open.

This is the Kanji Memories 'Memory Card'.

Open Memory Card

Our video for the Kanji 開 'open'. Designed for teachers of Japanese Kanji to use within their lessons. Excellent for self-starting students. #learn #japanese #kanji #teach #JLPT #N4 pic.twitter.com/MU0rklNuhu

— Kanji Memories (@kanjimemories) June 20, 2023

These are the translations (English, with Kanji, just Hiragana and Katakana, Romanji) used in the video.

"The shoe shop opens at 9am exactly."

靴屋は朝9時にピッタリ きます


Kutsuya wa asa ku-ji ni pittari hirakimasu.

"The start of the meeting has been delayed by 20 minutes."

会議の 始が20分遅れました


Kaigi no kaishi ga nijuppun okuremashita.